Saturday, August 10, 2013

Days 1 & 2: Road Trip to Happy Camp

So, this is my first blog post EVER. I'm not a big blog person; I find them cheesy at times. However, I don't know what my schedule will be like, so I wanted to do this to keep everyone who wants to hear about my internship/travels informed.

Day 1:
Dad and I began our journey to Happy Camp, CA yesterday, leaving the house around 1330. We made it to Dayton, OH, although we planned to stop in Indianapolis. Oh well. This is basically what the whole drive was like:

Also, when we got to Dayton and had all of our stuff out of the car for the night, I locked the keys in the car, including the spare. Of course I did...

Day 2:
We left Dayton around 0900 and booked it through to Kansas City, MO where we used to live. Our old friends and neighbors held a little barbecue - the best part about being back here. Beautiful drive, gorgeous day. But I'm looking forward to taking the day off tomorrow and hanging around town. 
Crossing the Mississippi into Missouri

Finally back in my original home state!

P.S. Here's a reminder that the meteor shower starts tonight and ends on the 13th. (The best night is supposed to be the 12th. I hope to be in western Kansas, where the lights are few and far between.)

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